
Monday, June 28, 2010

An Interesting Conversation

Last Saturday my parents and siblings had a very unusual experience at Meijers. They walked into Meijers and inside they noticed a young, African-American man holding a white baby. He seemed to be watching my family pretty closely!

They noticed him some other times, holding the baby and the hand of another white toddler. He seemed to be trying to entertain them.

After a bit, my Mom took Miss Bossy and Sports Dude to the car because they were not being very helpful. She noticed the young man again in a nearby car. A little while later, Dad came out with the groceries and began putting them in the back of the van. Suddenly, the young man walked over and called to Dad. He got Dad's attention and then asked him if our family had adopted Miss Bossy and Sports Dude. Dad said yes. The young man then went on and explained that he too was adopted by a white family as a baby. He said that he was so glad he was adopted, and really respected us for adopting too. He then added at the end, "You've changed their lives!"

It was such a unique experience. Not very many people are brave enough to talk to you about your adoptions. And it's not very common to have a young man who himself was adopted, talk to you! So cool!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Belly Boy and his English

 Here is a video of Belly Boy showing off his English speaking skills! He loves to repeat after us and says things so adorable. Everytime he says "eyes", for some reason I go nutty and have to hug and cuddle him. He says it way too cute!

I made this video on purpose for my blog, so that's why the camera's pointed to the ground. Because of all the internet scares, we aren't putting pictures online. So I'm sorry it's such a boring video as far as seeing. You'll just have to listen!! :-)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

When Love Takes You In

When Love takes you in.
And Everything changes.
A miracle starts with a beat of a heart

When Love takes you home
And says you belong here.
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When Love takes you in

And somewhere while you're sleeping
Someone else is dreaming too
Counting down the days until
They hold you close and say I love you

And like the rain that falls into the sea
In a moment what is been is lost and what will be

When Love takes you in
Everything changes.
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart.
And this love will never let you go.
There is nothing that could ever cause this love to lose its hold.

"When Love Takes You In"
By: Steven Curtis Chapman
I thought about writing my thoughts on this song here, but I think the song does pretty well on it's own.

Friday, June 4, 2010

3 Months Together

It's hard to believe, but a little more than three months ago, we didn't know Belly Boy. Sure we had pictures and papers telling us his personality, etc., but there's a difference between relying on other people for information about our brother and knowing him.

Three months ago today we were sitting at our first breakfast in Ethiopia, realizing that in less than an hour we were going to see the child that we had been praying for, reading about, and been so many months and miles away from! Today was THE DAY!

Then we were sitting in a room downstairs with all the other families waiting for Belly Boy's name to be called. When that finally happened, we were brought to a room right off the one we had been in! He had been right there all that time! Then Mom held him, talked to and about him, and cuddled him. Dad talked to him, watched him, and rubbed his back. I stood watching my NEW little brother! He was so cute!!!!! I couldn't wait to hug him!

Then we went to another area of the room we had waited in and played with him and got our picture taken and so on.

Three months ago. Wow. It seems like Belly Boy has been with us forever. He's always been jabbering at us, grabbing our hands, giving us kisses, smiling at us, and charming us!

Belly Boy has caught on to English so fast! These are the words he can say by himself with no reminding. Dada, Yeah, Go, Stop!, Boom, Ow!, Shoes, tickle-tickle, guys, Grandpa, wee!, hi, bye, cheese, and no. And then there are signs too that he uses to let us know of his needs or just to be polite, (please and thank you). He's constantly repeating us and we love it!

He has attached very well to us!!!! He loves all of us and will willingly go to anyone unless he's feeling stubborn.

Three months today! Crazy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Em Wants More

I dreamed about this blog a whole lot before I made it. I would be cleaning the bathrooms, (this seems to be my thinking spot), and suddenly come up with something I wanted to tell the world about adoption. But I didn't have a place to share! Besides my next writing assignment for school, but by then I had usually forgotten it!

Finally, in August I was given the opportunity to start a blog. The only problem was my blog's name. I wanted something creative yet easily understandable. Mom came up with the name. Em Wants More, because I'm always begging for more children to be adopted into our family.

But now that I think of it, I want a lot more from this blog than I had thought before. What do I want more of? I want more people adopting. I want people's eyes to brighten up with the thought of adoption.  I want older children adopted. I want adoption to be thought of as a blessing. I want so much!