
Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Year Ago

About one year ago I wrote THIS about meeting Belly Boy, (Actually it was probably a year ago yesterday. Its hard to figure out which day it was since the time zones are different).

Its been a year since we met Belly Boy believe it or not! I can't believe it! Ethiopia is still so fresh in my mind as if it's been less than a year, but Belly Boy has always seemed to be a part of our family past a year! He has been a blessing to our family in so many ways. For this special post that is kind of an anniversary to meeting Belly Boy, I will list several ways in which the little guy has blessed us and how we are so thankful for him!!!

1. Belly Boy blesses our house with running feet at all times. I do believe the kid never walks. A constant noise in our house is "pitter patter. pitter patter." as he runs back and forth from the playroom across the foyer to the living room! Its an amazing sound!

2. Belly Boy blesses our family by making us laugh ALL THE TIME! As he perfects his English, he makes silly mistakes and startling phrases that sometimes just crack us up! He also constantly makes goofy faces!!!!

3. Belly Boy blesses our family by giving us someone to snuggle when we're sad or stressed. Especially if you have an "owie", he will give you hugs and kisses to make you feel better. And if you tell him stories, you can keep him there a while!

4. Belly Boy blesses our house by greeting Dad at the door when he comes home from work. Miss Bossy and Sports Dude are past the stage of welcoming Dad home each night, and I think Dad enjoys to get hugs and cheers again!

5. Belly Boy blesses our family by making us sit down and relax with him. He is always eager to play with anyone willing, and many times throughout the day you can find him sitting on the floor with some member of the family, being cute and playing nicely with his pal.

We are so very thankful for Belly Boy! We have been, without a doubt, blessed by the addition of him to our family! Thank you SO MUCH, God, for giving us this precious little guy!!! The long process and wait was worth it when we got Belly Boy!!! Thank you for leading us to Belly Boy, God!

Belly Boy, I love you so very, very much! To the moon. And back.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pictures of Ethiopia

Go ahead! Fall in love with Ethiopia!
 City Life in Addis Ababa

 Country Life outside Addis Ababa
I can go somewhere and never miss it again. But Ethiopia is different. I spent a week there with Dad and Mom back in March. It was fun sometimes, but most of the time I just wanted to go home to America. Now, however, somehow I miss Ethiopia. I'll smell banana bread and I'll remember the delicious banana bread there. I'll make pizza and remember our cook's wonderful attempts at pizza! I'll smell car exhaust and it will bring me back to driving through the city. I miss Ethiopia! I want to go back! Maybe someday we can go back with Minte. That would be fun!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thank you for Crying!

Every day whenever Belly Boy gets hurt, he comes on the run with tears and loud crying. It's a sad time as "hurts" are taken care of either with kisses, rubs, or the ever-amazing Elmo Boo Boo Buddy. As he runs towards you with tears rolling down his face, you can see in his face how much he trusts you to take care of him and make his ouchy better.

Back in March when Minte first came home however, there was really no crying for sympathy. Usually when Minte got hurt we would scoop him up and he would sob one-two times and then he was done. He rarely EVER cried longer. It was so sad.

Now, though, the little guy knows Daddy, Mommy, Emmy, Bob, Sports Dude, and Miss Bossy all love him and are ready with hugs and kisses for his ouchies. And Elmo is sitting in the freezer waiting.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Birthmoms are not a secret in our family to Sports Dude, Miss Bossy, and even Belly Boy if he understood. We don't talk of them all the time and rarely to people outside the family, but my parents don't pretend they don't exist.

Lately Sports Dude and Miss Bossy have become more interested in the women that gave them life. Dad and Mom looked up pictures of them and after showing the pictures to the kids, they remarked on how much they looked like their birthmom. The same nose, mouth..

Since lately we've been teaching Belly Boy to answer yes when someone asks if he's from Ethiopia, the other kids have become interested where they were born and they always love to hear the story of how Dad and Mom came to see them and bring them home from the hospital. Since Sports Dude and Miss Bossy weren't born out the States, they have memorized the citites where they WERE born and will eagerly remind each other and sometimes even argue on which city is better! It's kind of funny!

The only reason why my parents may not talk about birthmoms to the kids, is if it is causing them security issues. It's very important that they always feel like a part of this family and not an "outsider" because they aren't!!!

Birthmoms are usually spoken about in our family as the women that loved the kids enough that they knew they couldn't give them a good home and gave them to us. They are never referred to as "your other mom" or anything that could cause confusion or insecurity. I don't believe that birthmothers should be a secret to kids as they're growing up because it's likely the older they get before they hear the truth, the harder it will be to accept it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello, 2011!!! I wonder what this year brings!!!