
Monday, January 17, 2011

Thank you for Crying!

Every day whenever Belly Boy gets hurt, he comes on the run with tears and loud crying. It's a sad time as "hurts" are taken care of either with kisses, rubs, or the ever-amazing Elmo Boo Boo Buddy. As he runs towards you with tears rolling down his face, you can see in his face how much he trusts you to take care of him and make his ouchy better.

Back in March when Minte first came home however, there was really no crying for sympathy. Usually when Minte got hurt we would scoop him up and he would sob one-two times and then he was done. He rarely EVER cried longer. It was so sad.

Now, though, the little guy knows Daddy, Mommy, Emmy, Bob, Sports Dude, and Miss Bossy all love him and are ready with hugs and kisses for his ouchies. And Elmo is sitting in the freezer waiting.

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