
Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Ethiopian Dancing

Here's another video of the Ethiopian dancing we witnessed at a restaurant in Ethiopia! The dancers were very talented and amazing! They would finish up a long dance, go back stage to change clothes, and come right out to perform yet another long dance. They had very few breaks!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ethiopian Dancing

While we were in Ethiopia, we went to an Ethiopian restaurant where you have the opportunity to taste Ethiopian food and watch dancers. Here is a video of one of the dances. I have two, so I may post the other one next time. Sorry about how shaky the video is at the end!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

4 Months

We've been home with this adorable, sweet, busy little Belly Boy for four months today. He's adjusted pretty well to this new life. He understands so much! And because he understands so much, he knows how he can show his stubborness! For example, if you tell him, "Come here so I can wipe your nose!", he will grin and stay where he is or might rub his hand under his nose! He amazes us a lot with everything he "gets". He also tattles. He will run to us and hit our arm until he gets our attention. Then he jabbers and points towards the problem.

He's getting used to cars too. He doesn't grab the sides of his carseat in panic around curves or cry for someone to hold his hand. He doesn't like long car rides, but that's understandable. I don't enjoy them much myself either.

Belly Boy's food usually consists of plain yogurt, formula milk, baby cereal, dry cereal like cheerios, soups like Leek and Carrot, bread and peanut butter, crackers and his favorite- cottage cheese.

You should see Belly Boy play with Miss Bossy and Sports Dude! It's so cute. Of course there are the times when they would rather play be themselves, and that doesn't always go over well with Belly Boy. But the times when he does play with them, he's usually their baby or the mom of a baby in a stroller! He cracks up when they laugh and when they play pretend, he does his best too.

One of his favorite games to play is doggy. He gets down and crawls around "woofing". He refuses to talk normally during this time and will sit up and actually put his hands on your legs like a real dog. He's a very good dog though not always obedient and will usually crawl to you when you say, "Come, doggy!" But sometimes he just grins and pretends he doesn't understand! And this isn't all, he used to put his nose in the trash like our dog, and once licked the floor and stuck his nose in the dog bowl. We have to keep a good eye on him when he's a doggy.

We're so thankful for Belly Boy. He fits our family so well! He laughs at our silly faces and actions! And he has us all wrapped around his finger. He knows our names and will scream at us for sympathy or help. He's so much fun!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm Proud to be an American

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
 Who gave their life for me

I am SO, SO blessed to have born in this family and in this country. I am so thankful for the freedom I have here. Last year I was studying about the Revolution and I think I'm more thankful this year than past for the freedom that I experience in the United States of America. The Founding Fathers had past generations who had been persecuted and such because of their beliefs. The men knew they had to create, with God's help, a country that gave freedom to beliefs, speech, and more. And that's what they accomplished.

Now we have men and women soldiers out there taking care of us and keeping the U.S. safe from its enemies. I am so thankful for them and the sacrifices they are making for me and you. Thank you so much!

So there's more to the Fourth of July than the food, people, and fireworks! It's remembering our country's birthday and all the privileges we have because we live in the United States of America!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Changes in this Generation

I was just thinking about how different this next generation is going to be! Lately, so many people have been adopting interracially! Not that very many people haven't before. I 'm not saying that. Just it is going to be so cool because basically now most everywhere I look, I see a family with a baby, toddler, or older child with darker or lighter skin tone. These kids are gonna grow up in these families. And many years down the road, they'll have their own families and be living by themself, but still visiting their parents and siblings! Won't it be so COOL to see the mixture of people! People will get used to seeing people with darker skin visiting their lighter skinned family in the hospital, nursing home, whatever. And the other way around! It will be so fun to see!!!!