
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

He speaks English!

I know.. all I seem to talk about with Belly Boy's progress is his speech, but it really is pretty amazing. This little guy has had to adjust to three different languages in his 2 years on Earth. It's pretty astonishing how well he understands English after only being around it for about 7 months. He speaks English and understands more than we sometimes realize.

It's pretty cool seeing how God has made our brains. I mean, if you had moved me to Ethiopia back in March and checked on my progress in speaking Amharic today, I would not be as far a long as Minte is in English. God has specially designed babies brains to pick up their parent's language really fast. (even though they may pretend they don't get it when you say "No!"). Once we get older, our brains lose some of the ability to learn a new language so fast.

We have a speech therapist coming to help Belly Boy with his speech because he is behind compared to other kids his age. But these are kids who have heard English all their lives. I think he's doing well for 7 months. He says phrases like, " 'Miss Bossy'. Naughty!" and even sentences like " I want down!" His sentences always start with "I want" and then he adds the part he wants. Once he said, "I want ANOTHER biscuit!" Probably the most impressive part though are the words he knows like, "mail", "music", our names, and tons more. You can actually have simple word conversations with him, but be careful how you ask questions because he will answer, "Yes or No!"

He is adjusting well to our life styles. Right now he is quietly sitting on my lap listening to Veggie Tales, (my kind of boy, music!). He knows our schedule pretty much and though he doesn't especially enjoy going to bed, he knows the routine.

I've said this before too, but we LOVE having him in our family. He is perfect for our family! God is so good!