
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Catching up with other families

It's been almost 10 months believe it or not since we met and brought home Belly Boy. While we were in Ethiopia we got to know some of the families who were adopting children too at the same time. We talked to these families each day at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table and oohed and ahhed over their children.

It was fun to talk to these parents and fun also to watch them attach to their child or children. And then for me it was almost sad to say good bye as each of us went to a different state to adjust to a new life.

We said good-bye to everyone at the Addis Ababa airport and even shortly after then I was wondering how these families were doing on their flights home and as the months went on, I was wondering how the kids were adjusting and how they had changed and so on. My mom found one of the moms on facebook so occasionally we will look and exclaim over how much the baby has changed.

Because of the holidays, we have started to hear from the other families and have seen pictures of their children! It has been SO exciting to see how each of these kids have changed and also to hear and see how well they've adjusted to their new life in America. It has just been so much fun!!

Each of these little kids look so much stronger and healthier than when they were in Ethiopia! One girl who was adopted at 6 years old is going to school, has friends, and (the most amazing part), is actually reading at grade level! Wow! In ten months she's that far! It's encouraging to hear all this!

I've enjoyed so much catching up with everyone! I can't wait for us to send out Belly Boy's pictures and update! Everyone will be shocked to know that he can't get enough of meeting people! He was so quiet and nervous with everyone in Ethiopia! He has changed a lot!


Unknown said...

Cool post Em!

Unknown said...

Cool post Em!

Unknown said...

Oops, sorry about the double post! :-)